RDP finally is working on Ubuntu 22.04
- Update and upgrade your Ubuntu 22.04 packages
- Enabling Automatic Login:
- Disabling Screen Blanking and Automatic Screen Lock
- Enabling Remote Desktop:
- Set a username and a password for RDP login
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade -y
Settings → Users → Unlock → Authenticate → ✅ Check automatic Login
Settings → Privacy → Screen → Blank Screen Delay [set it Never] → Automatic Screen Lock [ 🅇 unchecked]
Settings → Sharing → Remote Desktop [ ✅ checked] → Remote Control [ ✅ checked]
5- Finally Power Off/Log Out > Restart
- The machine has to be plugged to a monitor.
- The machine must be connected to the internet all the time.
For multiple use desktop use this
Grap all the services that been run by a username
ps -u <username>
sudo killall -u <username>
IF the service was working perfectly and stopped at a time do
sudo apt-get install --reinstall xrdp